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LMETB Virtual FET Learner Forum

May 1, 2021

Are you a current learner in Further Education and Training with LMETB? We want to hear from you!

What is the LMETB Learner Forum?

The forum is a virtual Zoom event. It is an opportunity for you, the learner, to share your experience of FET Learning with LMETB.

What will I be expected to do at the Forum?

You will be asked at the forum to share your experience of FET learning by:participating in focus group discussion (1 hour)completing a learner survey (15 minutes)

You will be able to join the forum on your computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone.
During the event, you will be broken up into groups of 5-6 participants. Each group will have a facilitator who will ask questions about what is working well for you as a learner and what suggestions you have as to how LMETB can improve its service.
It’s really important to note that there are no right or wrong answers. We want to hear about your own experiences and get your honest feedback.

When is the Learner Forum?

Two sessions have been arranged and you can join either one. You do not need to attend both. The sessions will take place on Zoom. The details of both events are as follows:Tuesday, 18th May, 11.00am-12.15pmThursday, 20th May, 11.00am-12.15pm

How do I register?

You can register for either session on EventBrite at the link below.

AONTAS does not share the names or information you provide with LMETB, the information is just used to place you in discussion groups.

After you register, you will receive an email with the Zoom link and instructions on how to join the event.

What will happen after the event?

The findings of the discussions and survey will be compiled by AONTAS. Any feedback you give in the survey and the discussions will be anonymised, and all names and locations will be removed. The feedback will then be used to draft a report which will be sent back to LMETB, to assist in future planning and to identify the areas we can improve on.

If you have any queries in relation to the Learner Forum, you may contact Sinéad Fearon on or on 087 786 8881.