
Seirbhísí Oideachais Chorparáidigh
Home 5 Tenders 5 Invitation to Tender for Contractor for the rental and erection of prefabricated demountable structure for Youthreach Laytown, Co. Meath

Invitation to Tender for Contractor for the rental and erection of prefabricated demountable structure for Youthreach Laytown, Co. Meath

Apr 4, 2019

Invitation to Tender for Contractors for the rental (based on 2 years) and erection of prefabricated demountable structure, comprising of 3 No. Classrooms, an Art Room, a Woodwork Room, store, office kitchen and wcs. also all associated ancillary site works.

Response deadline  (Irish time)
25-04-2019 12:00

Click for here to access the link to the tender posted on eTenders website

RFT: 148888