
Seirbhísí Oideachais Chorparáidigh
Home 5 Tenders 5 Call for Tender for the Provision of Catering Services for Árd Rí Community National School

Call for Tender for the Provision of Catering Services for Árd Rí Community National School

Feb 13, 2024

Publication date: 09/02/2024
Response deadline: 04/03/2024 12:00 noon Irish time
Procedure: Open Procedure

Description: The Contracting Authority proposes to engage in a competitive process for the establishment of a single party framework agreement for the provision of School Meals to Primary Schools under the remit of LMETB. Árd Rí Community National School, has been approved for funding under this scheme. This school has been approved for the Hot Meal Option under the scheme, but should other options be approved during the lifetime of this agreement the Contracting Authority will drawdown for such services from the successful tenderer.

Buyer: Louth and Meath Education & Training Board
