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Home 5 Tenders 5 242378 – 2023/36 – Request for Tender for the provision of Consultancy Services to provide Demonstration and Training of Industry 4.0 equipment and processes

242378 – 2023/36 – Request for Tender for the provision of Consultancy Services to provide Demonstration and Training of Industry 4.0 equipment and processes

May 22, 2023

Publication date: 21-05-2023
Response deadline: 26-06-2023 12:00 Irish time
Procedure: 2. Open Procedure (OJEU)

Description: LMETB wishes to establish a multi party framework agreement for a range of service providers to provide Demonstration of Industry 4.0 Equipment, Prototype and Related Services to employers, current and future workforce, teachers and students and other key clients.

Buyer: Louth and Meath Education & Training Board
