Nuacht is Déanaí

LMETB continues in its response to supporting Ukranian refugees.

Jun 21, 2024

Louth Meath ETB continues to respond in supporting Ukrainian Refugees
Louth Meath Education and Training Board (LMETB) continues to adopt an organisation-wide approach to supporting Ukrainian nationals arriving to the region. It works with Ukrainian Response Steering Committees in both counties which include various stakeholders, including the HSE and Department of Social Protection.
LMETB’s Adult Learning Services in both Louth and Meath continue to offer support to Ukrainian nationals arriving to Ireland and those who are newly moved to the area. The service offered in 2024 showed the same vigour that was displayed throughout all of 2022 and 2023. As well as providing classes in LMETB FET centres, the ETB offers classes in outreach centres to learners for whom lack of access to transport may be a barrier to participation. Classes are also available online at Level 3 and higher. As of March 2024, the number of Ukrainian beneficiaries in LMETB’s Adult Learning service was 1,118.
Many learners have worked steadily through our modules and have progressed onto other Further Education and Training courses within LMETB, including VTOS, BTEI, PLC and Apprenticeships. Some have also progressed on to Higher Education. LMETB Adult Education Guidance Services have supported the learners in their journey and advised them of the best education and training options for their individual needs.
The table below shows some examples of how the Ukrainian learners have integrated across LMETB FET provision:

Name of Programme
Enrolments in 2023

Adult Literacy Groups





Skills to Advance