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Home 5 Tenders 5 232219 – 2023/14 – Request for Tender to establish a panel for the provision of Erasmus Project Hosting Organisations

232219 – 2023/14 – Request for Tender to establish a panel for the provision of Erasmus Project Hosting Organisations

Feb 1, 2023

Publication date: 31-01-2023
Response deadline: 07-02-2023 12:00 Irish time
Procedure: 1. Open Procedure (NON OJEU)

Description: The Contracting Authority proposes to engage in a competitive process for the establishment of a panel from which it will source hosting organisations to support the implementation of projects funded under the Key Action 1 (KA1) strand of 2021-2027 Erasmus+ programmes for individuals over the age of 18 years old as per the attached documents.

Buyer: Louth and Meath Education & Training Board
