Governance and Management of QA

Quality Assurance (QA)
Home 9 Further Education & Training 9 Quality Assurance (QA) 9 Governance and Management of QA

LMETB’s Further Education and Training (FET) service is led by the Director of Further Education and Training, as part of the FET Senior Management Team (SMT). The SMT provides strategic direction to the FET Leaders, who in turn report to their respective line management within the Senior Management Team.

This diagram represents the current management and governance structure within LMETB’s Further Education and Training service.

Developments are currently in progress to develop new structures, policies, and procedures to manage the governance of quality assurance, in line with the requirements of QQI’s Core and Sectoral QA Guidelines.

The current QA governance structure of LMETB’s FET Service is outlined in the documents below:

The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the revised QA governance structures are:

Image detailing the Further Education and Training management structure in LMETB

For more information

FET Quality Assurance Office

FET Centre, Chapel St, Dundalk,
Co. Louth, A91 C7D8

Contact: Angela Cahill
Tel: 087 123 5572