LMETB FET Learner Virtual HUB

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Learner Support Request

Learning Space

Wellbeing Space

Learner Support Request


Support Request

We place the learner experience at centre stage of everything we do. Be proactive in looking for advice or support if you are struggling. If you require any additional educational support throughout your journey with us, please speak with the Programme Co-ordinator, your teacher/tutor or contact learner support by completing this form.

Please include any information you feel we should know.

When we receive a request from a learner, a member of LMETB FET services will contact you to discuss how we can reasonably look after you during your during in LMETB FET.

The information you provide will never be shared with anyone who does not need to know.

LMETB FET aspires to provide an inclusive, positive learning environment for all. Please let us know if there are any areas you feel need looked at.

Support for all Learners

LMETB aim to support all learners to be successful at whichever course they embark on. The range of supports that are available to a learner may vary from centre to centre, depending on the resources and facilities that are available. 

We realise that our learners come from a variety of backgrounds, have distinct needs in terms of learning and may need support on their path to achieving their ambitions.

We strive to provide our learners with appropriate supports so that they can participate fully in their course.

Our goal is to ensure that, as far is reasonably possible and predicated on budget availability, all learners are provided with the supports required to allow full engagement and benefit from the educational opportunities available while participating in a course offered by Louth Meath Education and Training Board. 

Image of Learner Support Request form

LMETB Adult Educational Guidance Service

The Guidance Counsellors help you to explore your options and make informed decisions and support you in taking your next steps.

If you feel stuck or not sure what to do next, we recommend you make an appointment to see a Guidance Counsellor as soon as possible.

A guidance appointment usually lasts no more than an hour.

Once you become a client of the service, we are always available to you for any follow-up needs.

Financial Support

Financial supports are available to some FET learners, depending on the type of programme they are pursuing and their personal circumstances. Some examples include: Meal and Travel Allowance, Accommodation Allowance.

Learners in certain training programmes may be eligible for low-cost childcare under the National Childcare Scheme, operated by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. 

Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI)

SUSI held an Information Event on 6 May 2023 which outlined the application process and what students need to do to make their SUSI grant applications.

For those of you who could not attend on the day, please see the recordings of the event which we hope will assist you prior to making your application.

Mental Health Care

Counselling and Psychotherapy services for LMETB FET Learners

We are aware some learners may find it difficult to cope with their studies while attending their course. We have put in place supports to help our learners with free access to counselling. 

Access to Counselling

If you feel you would benefit ftom some conselling sessions please complete the form below and we will support you with the MyMind registration process

If you need immediate help right now please contact your GP or phone the emergency services on 999 or 112.

FET Virtual Learning Space 

Microsoft (MS) Office 365

Many Learners can access applications such as MS Word, Outlook (email) and MS Teams.

These Apps will help you create your assignments and connect with staff and fellow learners.

We have created some resources to help you familiarise with the apps and help you learn how to use these. 

image of microsoft office 365
image representing literacy

Literacy Support

LMETB provide Literacy Awareness Training for all administration, guidance, reception and frontline staff.

Our Tutors incorporate Literacy Skills into all their lessons aiming to develop and increase all learners’ skills in every interaction

Below are links to some content which will help improve your skills 

Numeracy Resources

NALA defines numeracy as a lifeskill that gives adults ‘the confidence to manage the mathematical demands of real-life situations’.

We have gathered a range or resources to help you improve you numeracy skills and increase your confidence.

image representing numeracy
image representing accessilbe learning

Accessible Learning

Everyone is unique and we know our Learners have varied abilities. Using the UDL (Universal Design for Learning) framework we aim to make the learning environment accessible to all.

Tools and resources such as Assistive Technology are provided to learners who need them.

Please contact us if you feel you need some extra support.

Online Social Media Course

LMETB’s Community Education Team have developed an Online Social Media Course.

There is no previous experience needed to sign up for the course. The course is delivered completely online and can be completed at your own pace.

The course duration is expected to be no longer than 2hrs.

Course Content

  • Identity and Security Online
  • Shopping, Selling and Travel Planning Online
  • Socialising Online
  • Internet for Everyday Life

More information and registration details:

image representing academia

Academic Process

Academic life requires a more formal approach to communication. In order to achieve the highest standards; you as a learner need to follow some standardised processes to ensure work is produced fairly and marked accurately.

Fetchcourses.ie  Tutorials


FET Learner Wellbeing Space 

image of support numbers

Learner Wellbeing

The programmes and services available in LMETB strive to develop learners’ self–confidence and promote learner wellbeing. Positive Mental Health is essential for you to make the most out of life. 

At times you may struggle with your feelings, feel lost or that the course is too much for you. Reach out and talk to someone. LMETB staff are here to help. We can help you take control of your studies and get you back on track. 

Inclusive Education

LMETB aims to provide a safe and positive learning environment for all Learners

Learner Voice

The overall aim of the Learner Voice Network (LVN) is to give a voice to FET Learners within LMETB’s management structures.
The network gives learners the opportunity to have their voice heard and to turn ideas into action.

Having a learner voice network relates directly to the core values and principles outlined in LMETB’s Mission Statement and Strategy Statement (2022-26), and to Quality Assurance requirements.

Disability Access

LMETB wants to ensure equal access to the learning and exam environments for all. 

Supports are in place to assist you as the learner reach your full potential.

If you want to come to study with us and need additional resources, please reach out and so we can help.


Mental Health Awareness

LMETB offer a range of supports to help reduce the anxiety around learning and assignments.

Many of our staff have specialised training in mental health support including safeTalk. 

The See Change, Green Ribbon Campaign is promoted around our centres which aims to spread awareness about all mental health difficulties to help end mental health stigma and discrimination

Autism and LMETB 

LMETB understands that new environments can be daunting. We are here to help support autistic learners from the early stages of enquiry right to the end of your journey with us. Every Learner is unique and we will work with you to discuss what your needs are and how we can provide an inviting, safe and inclusive environment for you. 

We can:

  • Arrange campus tours at a quiet time
  • Provide access to sensory spaces
  • Work with you on an individual learning plan
  • Continually provide support and assistance, including access to Assistive Technologies 


Active* Consent is a programme that has grown out of the University of Galway tradition of research and community engagement. In tackling societal issues like consent, sexual violence and harassment, they have conducted research into young people’s sexual experiences and attitudes towards consent since 2013.

With this data, Active* Consent creates original consent education and training resources including workshops, eLearning modules, educational videos, original dramas, and social media campaigns for colleges, schools, and sports organisations.

The Active* Consent programme believes that the most effective form of consent education supports young people’s sexual health and agency and is taught through a sex-positive lens which honours peoples’ choices whether or not they choose to become sexually active.

Visit the Consent Hub to find out more.

Sexual Violence and Harassment: How to Support Yourself and Your Peers


Jigsaw are a team of supporters, professionals and volunteers who are passionate about supporting young people’s mental health 

One Good Friend is a three-part interactive course where you will have the opportunity to develop your knowledge, confidence and skills in supporting a friend’s mental health and wellbeing.

This course will take approximately 1 hour and can be completed at your own pace.

FET Learner Support Updates

Healthy Ireland

The Healthy Ireland Newsletters are a resource which signposts to various health and wellbeing events / programmes / information happening across Meath each month. The content of the newsletter incorporates Healthy Ireland themes including:

  • Mental Health
  • Nutrition
  • Physical Activity
  • Sexual Health
  • Spaces & Places for Health and Wellbeing
  • Tobacco & Alcohol
  • Older People
  • Workplace Wellbeing

Healthy Meath Newletter

Healthy Louth Newsletter

Learner Voice Network

Our Learner Voice Network (LVN) provides an opportunity for any of our learners to join a group created to foster a collaborative and meaningful discussion ground between LMETB management and its Learners. The Learner Voice Network promotes the learners voice in LMETB, as well as activities and events which facilitate the learner voice both locally and nationally. To find out more about the network and join please click below.


ETBI FET Digital Library


The ETBI FET Digital Library offers resources, tutorials, guides and useful links to support FET learners and practitioners


Suicide Bereavement Liaison Officer/ Resource Officer for Suicide Prevention Information Leaflet

The Suicide Bereavement Liaison Service is a free, confidential service that provides assistance and support to families and individuals after the loss of a loved one to suicide. Utilising the service may be beneficial for a class if they are affected by suicide.


Mindfulness, Compassion and Wellbeing
Courses, Workshops & Retreats



The Mindfulness Centre offers a number of drop in sessions where we can gather online for Live meditations to provide a weekly anchor to support your practice.

The Monday night sessions are open for all and take place at 7pm. To receive a reminder with the zoom link register here.

Louth Parent Hub

Louth Parents Hub is an online and interactive information hub for families living in County Louth. It provides information on the services and programmes available in your local area.

Men's Health Action Man Booklet 2023

10 Top Tips for Men’s Health, Action Man Booklet

For more information

Check out our social media for more information and updates on FET services at LMETB


LMETB FET Learner Support

FET Centre, Chapel Street, Dundalk,
Co. Louth, A91 C7D8

Contact: Mick Burns
Tel: 086 075 3328
Email: learnersupport@lmetb.ie