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€880K capital grant funding for Louth & Meath ETB welcomed

Oct 3, 2023

Louth TD Fergus O’Dowd

News that €879,636 in additional capital grant funding has been allocated to the Louth and Meath Education and Training Board (LMETB), has been warmly welcomed by Louth Fine Gael TD, Fergus O’Dowd.

Deputy O’Dowd commented, “this is fantastic news and represents the 2nd highest allocation nationally. In total my colleague Minister Simon Harris has announced €5.4m for ETBs across the country today.

“Projects approved today cover health and safety issues, small-scale energy efficiency measures, equipment and requests relating to positive improvements for learning spaces.

“This also builds on the €507k the LMETB secured in April of this year under the Devolved Capital Grant Scheme.

The Louth TD further added, “this further funding was sought through an expression of interest process so I’m delighted that Martin O’Brien and his team have again been so proactive in identifying suitable projects.

“The LMETB are delivering week in and out for the North East and I wish them every success with this funding.”
