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Adult Learning Service Drogheda celebrates achievements

Mar 15, 2023


Learners, their families, staff and guests gathered in D Hotel Drogheda on Thursday 2nd March for the annual Student Awards Night for Adult Learning Service (ALS) Drogheda.


Deirdre Carmody, Adult Literacy Organiser, King St, Drogheda opened the proceedings by welcoming all and outlining the wide range of free part-time courses available in reading, writing, maths and numeracy, IT skills and English as a Second Language (ESOL) . Explaining that the Awards Night is a celebration of achievements of learners from all age groups and nationalities within the centre, Deirdre then introduced Councillor Michelle Hall, Mayor of Drogheda and Kelvin Harvey, Adult Education Officer with LMETB, who spoke of the courage, bravery and persistence of every learner present in the room and congratulated them on their achievements to date.


 Lisa Corcoran, a learner in ALS, lit a candle in remembrance of deceased loved ones from the LMETB community, and a fellow learner read some of his own amazing poetry. Radhika Iyer, Administrative Officer in Adult Learning Service, invited learners to the stage, and QQI certificates were then presented by Councillor Michelle Hall and Kelvin Harvey, as the proud families and friends clapped and cheered.


Karolina Anitpova from Ukraine and Enas Abbas Ali from Iraq then took to the stage to speak about their learning experiences in Ireland, following by Asad Danish who read out his own poem about love. Deirdre closed proceedings by thanking the speakers, tutors, and staff along with the learners and their families. Light refreshments were served, and everyone mixed and mingled before heading home after an uplifting, positive evening.