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Home 5 Tenders 5 232917 – 2023/07 – Request for Tender to establish a multi supplier framework agreement for the provision of a selection of Cybersecurity Demonstration and Training Courses

232917 – 2023/07 – Request for Tender to establish a multi supplier framework agreement for the provision of a selection of Cybersecurity Demonstration and Training Courses

Feb 21, 2023

Publication date: 15-02-2023
Response deadline: 20-03-2023 12:00 Irish time
Procedure: 2. Open Procedure (OJEU)
Description: LMETB invite responses from interested parties to this Request for Tender for the provision of a selection of Cybersecurity Demonstration and Training Courses under the Skills to Advance Programme for Employees as per the attached tender documents.
Buyer: Louth and Meath Education & Training Board
